We started from the bottom (no r knowledge) and now we here

Build climate stack and plot it

my_clim_stack <- stack(raster('wc2.1_10m_bio_12.tif'), raster('wc2.1_10m_bio_18.tif'), raster('wc2.1_10m_bio_19.tif')) my_clim_stack <- stack(raster('WORLDCLIM_Rasters/wc2.1_10m_bio_12.tif'), raster('WORLDCLIM_Rasters/wc2.1_10m_bio_18.tif'), raster('WORLDCLIM_Rasters/wc2.1_10m_bio_19.tif')) names(my_clim_stack) <- c("annual_precipitation", "precip_warmest_qrtr", "precip_coldest_qrtr") plot(my_clim_stack)

Choose sites

my_sites <- as.data.frame(click(n=10)) # Look at sites names(my_sites) <- c('longitude', 'latitude') my_sites # extract dat from sites env <- as.data.frame(extract(my_clim_stack, my_sites)) env # join env and ur sites data my_sites <- cbind(my_sites, env) my_sites # Make projection file myCrs <- projection(my_clim_stack) # get projection info

make into points file

my_sites_shape <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords=my_sites, data=my_sites, proj4string=CRS(myCrs)) my_sites_shape

#Plot raster with points plot(my_clim_stack[[2]]) points(my_sites_shape, pch=16)

Generate set of random points for comparions to our selected points/locations

bg <- as.data.frame(randomPoints(my_clim_stack, n = 10000)) head(bg) # Name points names(bg) <- c("longitude", "latitude") head(bg) # Plot points plot(my_clim_stack[[2]]) points(bg, pch='.')

Extract data points

bgEnv <- as.data.frame(extract(my_clim_stack, bg)) head(bgEnv)

#Train model pres.bg <- c(rep(1, nrow(my_sites)), rep(0, nrow(bg))) train_data <- data.frame(pres.bg = pres.bg, rbind(my_sites, bg))

the model

my_model <- glm(pres.bg ~ annual_precipitation*precip_warmest_qrtr*precip_coldest_qrtr + I(annual_precipitation^2) + I(precip_warmest_qrtr^2) + I(precip_coldest_qrtr^2), data = train_data, family = "binomial", weights = c(rep(1, nrow(my_sites)), rep(nrow(my_sites)/nrow(bg), nrow(bg))))


my_world <- predict( my_clim_stack, my_model, type = "response" ) )

#plot world plot(my_world) points(my_sites_shape, pch=16)

#save your world writeRaster(my_world, "My_climate_space/my_world", format = "GTiff", overwrite = TRUE, progess = "text")

Threshold preferred regions

my_world_threshold <- my_world >= quantile(my_world, 0.75) plot(my_world_threshold)

compare my climate to the world

##convert all values not equal to 1 to NA my_world_threshold <- calc(my_world_threshold, fun=function(x) ifelse(x==0|is.na(x), NA, 1)) # add radnom points to my best sites/env

my_best_sites <- randomPoints(my_world_threshold, 10000) my_best_env <- as.data.frame(extract(my_clim_stack, my_best_sites))

#plot values

smoothScatter(x=bgEnv$annual_precipitation, y=bgEnv$precip_warmest_qrtr, col = "purple") points(my_best_env$annual_precipitation, my_best_env$precip_warmest_qrtr, col = "red", pch=16, cex=0.2) points(my_sites$annual_precipitation, my_sites$precip_warmest_qrtr, pch=16) legend("bottomright", inset=0.01,legend=c("world", "my niche", "my locations"), pch = 16, col = c("purple", "red", "black"), pt.cex = c(1,0.4,1))