Install packages

First thing we need to do is install the required packages/programs and load them!! Download xquartz if you have a mac

`install.packages(“AcuityView”)’ ‘install.packages(“magrittr”)’ ‘install.packages(“imager”)’ ‘install.packages(“fftwtools)’

Load packages:

library(AcuityView) library(fftwtools) library(imager)

Choose a test photo!

AcuityView requires an image that it will then render into the acuity you set it at, BUT this image needs to be a square where the dimensions are a power of two

img <- load.image('.../extdata/parrots.png')


img <- resize(img, 512, 512)

Calculate your animal’s acuity

MRA --> 1/CPD = ` Now run acuity view with your now resized image!


AcuityView(photo = img, distance = 2, realWidth = 2, eyeResolutionX = 8.14, eyeResolutionY = NULL, plot = T, output = "firstimage.jpg" )

Seminar Assignment

  1. Choose five animals from the databases given and calculate their acuity as MRA
  2. Choose an image that is applicable to each of your animals own ecology (1 image for each animal) and resize that image to 512x512 dimensions
  3. Create an output of your selected image at distance of 1 m, 2 m, and 3 m for your five animals
  4. Knit and publish R markdown file onto your website as “Mierow seminar assignment”


Bird Database

Fish Database

Invert Database

Mammal Database